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Top Ten Family Board Games – 2013 Update

Top TenMy list of the Top Ten Family Board Games was last updated in 2011. I have been introduced to many new family games. I define a family board game as one that is easy to learn, fairly quick to play and accessible to a variety of ages. I only put games on the list that I have played.

My Top Ten Family Board Games

10. Formula D – You may have to help young kids decide when to shift, but anyone can enjoy rolling dice and racing cars. This would be higher if player elimination was not involved.

9. Word on the Street – Fun, tug-of-war word game that can play both small and large groups. But if you are young and can’t spell you are left out of this one.

8. Spot It! – This small tin is super portable and holds five different games. These are fun and accessible by most ages. If there was more replayability in the games this would be higher.

7. Castle Panic – You might have to help younger ones the first couple games. This is a fun cooperative game of tower defense.

6. Las Vegas – Playable by any age and everyone will enjoy playing. There is a good bit of randomness and the dice are in mostly control.

5. Say Anything Family – If you can read and write this is fun party game that might help you get to know your family better.

4. Ticket to Ride – This might be a bit young for young kids, but it can be played as fun or cutthroat as your family likes.

3. Indigo – This fun tile-laying game plays well with all ages. My 3 year old can play it. If it played more than four this would be higher.

2. PitchCar – The long setup time and amount of space it takes keep this out of the top spot. Young and old can enjoy and play this dexterity game.

1. King of Tokyo – This monster-bashing, dice-rolling game is fun for all and plays quickly. The theme is fun for all. Little ones might need a but of help with the cards, but with a bit of guidance they can be just as competitive as the adults.

Honorable Mentions:
Blokus 3D, Forbidden Island, Defenders of the Realm, Drakon, For Sale, Quicksand , The Adventurers, Scotland Yard

Agree? Disagree? That is what the comments are for!

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4 Responses to “Top Ten Family Board Games – 2013 Update”

  1. Bruce Gray says:

    Hey – Where did “Settlers of Catan” end up on your list?

  2. Jason C says:

    Setters could make it as an Honorable Mention, but given that young kids won’t be able to play well, it didn’t make my Top Ten. I do realize my list skews a bit young…maybe it is cause I have young kids.

  3. mm says:

    You must try For Sale! My 6 yo got hooked on that quite badly, and fun for adults! 3 player min game though.

  4. Jason C says:

    I have tried and really like For Sale. It is in the Honorable Mentions. 🙂

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