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What’s Yours Like? Review

What's Yours Like?Stats:
No. of players: 4+
Amount of time to play: variable, based on number of players and number of rounds
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 5 min

What’s Yours Like Rules Description:

What’s Yours Like? is a party game in which one player is trying to guess a mystery word. All other players give truthful clues describing what theirs is like. The player who guesses their mystery word with the fewest number of clues wins.

Each player gets a turn in the hot seat. The player in the hot seat is trying to guess the mystery word. All other players get to look at the word and must give the player in the hot seat a clue. The clue should tell the person what theirs is like. You will not want to give obvious clues as the longer it takes the player in the hot seat to guess the mystery word, the more points they receive. The player in the hot seat is able to guess after each clue and gets one point for each clue they have been given.

Here is an example:
If the word is cell phone, I might say, “Mine is small.” If the player in the hot seat guesses wrong the player to my right then gives a clue. Perhaps they’ll say, “Mine is outdated.” This continues on until the player in the hot seat guesses the answer or everyone has given two clues.

There are also challenge cards which allow the player in the hot seat to challenge another player. The round plays as usual with both players guessing and the winner taking two points off their score.

The game includes dry erase boards for the player in the hot seat to keep track of the clues. And the cards have an orange and purple side. The orange can be used with kids while the purple is if only adults are playing.

A Quick Review of What’s Yours Like:

What’s Yours Like? is a light and funny party game. Like many of the games in this genre your experience will probably depend on who you play with. Some clues and guesses may have players laughing a lot. Some players may not like the fact that you think of a clue and might have to rethink it if another player before you uses it.

While not my favorite party game it can be funny and it is easy to learn and play. The game may also get repetitive if people use the same clues over again. Still this game can be played by adults and children alike and should be enjoyable with the right mix of people.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 1 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 3 out of 6
Complexity 1 out of 6
Fun 3 out of 6
Overall 3 out of 6

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