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Thunderstone Heart of Doom Review

Heart of DoomStats:
No. of players: 1-5
Amount of time to play: 45-60 minutes
Age requirements: 12+
Set-up time: 10-15 minutes

Thunderstone Heart of Doom Rules Description:

Heart of Doom is the latest expansion in the Thunderstone series. It adds more monsters, more village cards and the big, bad boss…Doom.

This review of Heart of Doom assumes know how to play Thunderstone. If you have yet to play Thunderstone, read my review and description.

Heart of the Doom introduces the final boss in the Thunderstone series. Doom is tough and unlike other monsters if you attack him and lose…you lose the game. If you play against him you have other Thunderstones in the deck which grant you a +6 bonus to attack Doom.

But the big boss is not the only new addition from this expansion. As usual there are new monsters, equipment, treasures and villagers. Many fans will be happy that there are no new mechanics added.

One of the highlights from the new cards is the Short Spear. If this card id in the village you might want to hold onto those Militia. When a Militia wields a Short Spear they get +2 Attack and you draw a card.

The Chalice Mace helps clerics (there are three clerics in this set) it has attack +3 is lighter and gives light when used by a cleric.

Another great weapon is the Jondul Bow. It adds +4 to attacks in Ranks 2 or higher and lets you swap the position of two adjacent monsters in the hall.

There are now Doppleganger monsters that are some of the villagers from previous sets. These Dopplegangers have abilities that are similar to the originals but they hinder the players instead of help them.

A Quick Thunderstone Heart of Doom Review:

Heart of Doom is a fitting finale to the current Thunderstone series. It adds some great new cards that make olds ones more useful and creates some nice combos.

The Heart of Doom scenario is really tough especially if you randomly choose the village cards. You will probably want to hand-pick the cards for your village if you are playing this scenario. Or at the very least tweak a totally random build.

Many of the new heroes can gain Attack if you destroy cards. This can be good or really hurt your long term strategy. It just depends on what cards they destroy and how hard those cards are to replace.

If you own some or all the Thunderstone expansions you really should add Heart of Doom to your collection. It brings an excellent conclusion to the series to date and adds useful cards that can help boost cards in older sets.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 3 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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One Response to “Thunderstone Heart of Doom Review”

  1. Jeff Quick says:

    Doom is dead! Long live Doom!

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