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RISK Legacy First Impressions and Review

RISK LegacyStats:
No. of players: 3-5
Amount of time to play: 60 min
Age requirements: 13+
Set-up time: 5-10 minutes

RISK Legacy Rules Description:

RISK Legacy is an innovative take on the RISK franchise and boardgaming in general. The more you play the game the more it evolves.

RISK Legacy plays like the original RISK. You gain troops based on the map spaces you control, attack and then can maneuver your troops. When you attack you compare your dice with the defender’s dice, whoever rolls highest wins. Ties go to the defender.

RISK Legacy changes things by allowing you to customize your copy of the game. Right out of the box you make decisions that make your copy different than others. Throughout the first fifteen games you play with your copy of RISK Legacy you’ll change and customize it.

The game also plays quicker than the original. You win once you have four red stars. You headquarters counts as one. If you have not won on the board you get a red star to start. So if you can capture two opponents’ headquarters you win.

When you win you sign the board and get to customize the game. Just surviving when someone else wins let’s you customize the RISK Legacy.

As you meet certain requirements you open more packs of cards. These packs contain rules you add to the rulebook, event and mission cards and more stickers to add to your board when you win.

First Impression of Risk Legacy:

I am calling this a first impression as I still have yet to open some packs of cards. There is more customization to come to my RISK Legacy game. The game is definitely innovative. It grows and changes as you play it.

It is great that RISK Legacy is quicker. You start with less troops and only one territory. You will find yourself risking victory by pushing your troops to reach that last headquarters you need to win.

And even though most of our games have been won by the player starting in Australia, that is about to change. You can make that strategy much harder by adding scars to Australia and weakening it.

At the end of the day RISK Legacy is still RISK. There are some good things about that and some not so good things about that. The great thing in RISK Legacy is your ability to edit and customize your game. You’ll want to play it just to see what happens next.

I plan post again once we have finished the fifteen games in my board. If I have something else worthwhile to say about RISK Legacy, I might post sooner. In the meantime you should try it out.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 out of 6
Replay Value 6 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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6 Responses to “RISK Legacy First Impressions and Review”

  1. Matt says:

    Sounds cool! Can’t wait to hear more details.

  2. Jim says:

    I think it’s funny that it only ranked a 3 of 6 for strategy. Why so low?

  3. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    The mechanics are still the same as the original RISK. There is strategy but it is not overly complicated. There is basically one avenue to winning…attack. Some might give it a 4 since there is some strategy to where/how you customize the game. Maybe this rating will change with more plays.

  4. Justin Taylor says:

    Wow, putting stickers on the board and signing it are seen as good things. I guess spin over substance has won.

    Apparently cards are meant to be ripped up and thrown away. I wonder if there is a card, “Go out and buy a new copy of the game”?

  5. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    I can understand the feeling that the game is being ruined. But it really is evolving as you play it. I do think it adds more to the original game, but like I said at the end of the day it is still RISK. So it may depend how much substance you thought the original had. No matter what RISK Legacy is fun and a better than the original.

  6. J-P says:


    It sounds a bit goofy when you first hear about it, but our group is about halfway through our first campaign and we love it. The stickers change the way the game plays, making certain areas more or less desirable than they are at the start of the game (or in normal RISK), and changing the strategy in interesting and organic ways.

    Signing the board makes sense in context, and does provide a game benefit to you (and only you) in the areas you name, not to mention a fun record of past events in the story you and your group are creating.

    As for the ripped-up cards, these are actually the “road not taken” option, and represent choices for development or stability or whatever that you and your group chose not to take.

    All of which you would have known had you played even one game – which is rather obvious you did not do. Before getting all snarky about something and sharing it with the entire world (here or at TGN, which also has another of your edifying and helpful observations), perhaps you should actually bother to educate yourself first on the subject first, hmm?

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