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Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog Game Review

Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog Stats:
No. of players: 1-5 (if combined up to 8)
Amount of time to play: 15 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: minimal

These games are both party games in which you must collect the most cards to win. Each card you collect can only contain one difference then the last one you picked up. Can you quickly recognize these difference and grab enough cards to win?

Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog Rules Description:

Each player starts the game with one random face-down card. The cards have a picture of a pig (or dog) and up to five things that may be different than the other cards in the deck. The size of the animal, its color, number of arms showing, sunglasses or popcorn may be different on each card. Thirty cards are placed face-up in the middle of the table. Then the action begins.

You must grab a card that has no differences or just one from your initial card. You can only use one hand and game play is simultaneous. You keep doing this until someone thinks there are no cards left for them to grab. They yell stop and you check if they really had no more cards to grab. If there is a card in the middle they could have taken they discard their entire hand. If there are no more cards they could take they keep all their cards plus one bonus card in their winning pile. You check the other players’ cards to make sure they follow the sequence. Any player that picked their cards correctly keeps them. If they mistakenly took a card they must discard all their cards.

Each round follows this sequence with new cards filling in the empty spaces in the cards in the middle of the table. If there are not enough cards to fill the gaps, it is the final round. Once it is finished, the player with the most cards in their winning pile wins the game.

If you have both decks you can combine them and play with up to eight players. The setup now has forty-nine cards and the player that yells stop gets two bonus cards if they are correct. There are even solo rules where you try to remove as many cards as you can from the center.

Quick Review of Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog:

Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog are fun party games especially for families with children. The game can be taught quickly and plays just as fast. These games are full of chaotic fun that families can enjoy.

The cards are high quality, the rules are easy to read and follow and the art is cute and matches the target group for this game.

I like how quickly this can be played even if you need to teach new players. It is a fun game for children and they can understand the rules easily. It is not for young children but kids seven and up should have no problem with these games.

I also like how portable the game is. Given its small box, you can bring this game with you when you are on the go. It is great for family gatherings and its size makes it even easier to take along. You can bring it to any party you are headed to and be playing in minutes.

If you are looking for a fun family party game you can enjoy with your kids try one (or both) of these out.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 3 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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