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Mage Wars Arena Battlegrounds Domination Review

Mage Wars Battlegrounds DominationStats:
No. of players: 2-4
Amount of time to play: 60-120 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: 5 minutes (if your spellbook is already made)

Mage Wars Arena Battlegrounds Domination introduces tiles with terrain effects that create a modular arena. There are also more spells and a new way to play.

Mage Wars Arena Battlegrounds Domination Description:

If you have not played Mage Wars before you can read my overview and review here. This post is going to focus on the new elements introduced in Mage Wars Battlegrounds Domination.

This expansion comes with 20 puzzle-cut tiles. Nine of the tiles have special rules to account for their terrain. A couple of the tiles help your mage by granting regeneration or protection. But most terrain slows or damages your mage and its units.

Domination is a new way to play the game. Instead of just killing your foe for the win, now you can control zones that contain V’Tar orbs to gain energy. Once you have enough V’Tar energy you win. The orbs are guarded by the Sslak and Usslak. These creatures must be defeated before you may claim a zone and start to gain its V’Tar energy.

Multiplayer rules are also added in this expansion. And include how to play a free-for-all game or a team game.

There are 26 new spell cards. Some are made to be used specifically in the new Domination mode while others can be used in any game of mage Wars.

Quick Review of Mage Wars Arena Battlegrounds Domination:

Mage Wars Battlegrounds Domination adds some great new things to the series. The modular tiles let you build custom arenas. And the special terrain tiles can add more to the position game. Domination mode emphasizes positioning and a tile’s terrain even more.

The components for this game are really nice. The tiles are large and look great. The spell cards are in line with the rest in the series and the rules are well organized and easy to follow.

Domination mode is a blast and there are even some variants included in the rules. The back section of the rules has scenario arenas for different player counts. This helps you set up some fun arenas that are balanced.

If you play Mage Wars you should pick this expansion up. It adds a lot of new things to the game without adding a ton of complexity. This is especially great for Mage Wars players looking to mix things up.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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