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Jab Realtime Boxing Review

Jab Realtime BoxingStats:
No. of players: 2
Amount of time to play: 15-30 min
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 5 minutes

Jab Realtime Boxing Rules Description:

Jab Realtime Boxing is a boxing simulation that requires quick thought and strategic thinking. You can knock out your opponent or just impress the judges with your technique to win.

Jab Realtime boxing plays in realtime. There are no turns or downtime. You start with five health tokens, a boxer (consisting of two body cards and a head) and two piles of punch cards (one for each hand).

Punch cards come in five varieties (hook, cross, uppercut, jab and haymaker) and five colors. To hit your opponent, you place punch cards on a section of your opponent’s boxer. If you manage to place a haymaker followed by any punch that is the same color you can take two health tokens from your opponent. If you are able to take all five health tokens from the other player you win.

You can block punches by placing the same punch type or color on top of the punch card on your boxer. Haymaker punches can be blocked by any punch card.

Combo cards and counter punches are in piles near the boxers. You claim combo cards by matching the punch types on your opponent. Combo cards are worth points that help you win by judge’s decision. Counter punches require a punch of the same color on both boxers. Counter punches score you a couple points and give you a health token from your opponent.

You lay cards until one player calls the round or you are both out of punch cards. If both boxers are still standing, you score one of the three piles on your opponent’s boxer. Each player is allowed to cover one of the piles and then you choose one of the two piles showing.

Each block negates a punch card (which have values of 1 or 2) starting with the highest valued. You total the punches you landed with any bonuses you received for combos and counters. The player with the highest total wins the round. After you win three rounds, you win the game.

Quick Jab Realtime Boxing Review:

Jab has a lot going on. You must try to pay attention to several different things at once. It helps you win if you mange to focus on the right area at the right times. Even though the game happens in realtime it might not be a flurry of action. You can pace your strategy and wait for your opportunities to strike, block, combo or counter.

Players that simply flail and punch furiously will probably find themselves on the mat. That is not to say there are not times when quick card play helps you win. Following up haymakers requires some speed.

The components for the game are excellent and it looks fantastic. The rulebook shows lots of examples and is easy to follow. The cards are nice and heavy which can help if you collide with your opponent. We never smashed the cards up playing, but I could see it happening.

Like I said there is a lot going on in this game so there is a learning curve and it may take some time to teach. It is not overwhelming. But I know when I saw the box with a 15 minute play time I thought it would be simpler. After a few rounds you should have things down and be on your way to a heavy-weight championship.

Jab Realtime Boxing is unique and the mechanics really fit with the theme. You will be challenged to recognize your opponent’s technique and react accordingly. If you like games that require quick thinking, you will really enjoy this game. It has a price point and play time that means you should get your money’s worth. You can read more about Jab Realtime Boxing at Tasty Minstrel’s web site.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 3 out of 6
Player Interaction 6 of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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