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Claustrophobia: Furor Sanguinis Expansion Review

Claustrophobia Furor Sanguinis Stats:
No. of players: 2-3
Amount of time to play: 45-60 min
Age requirements: 14+
Set-up time: 5-10 min

Furor Sanguinis is the second expansion for Claustrophobia. It adds a new playable creature, the squamata that is fighting the humans and demons, new scenarios and new tiles.

Claustrophobia: Furor Sanguinis Rules Description:

Furor Sanguinis is not a stand-alone expansion. You must own Claustrophobia to use this game. If you have not played Claustrophobia before read my overview and review here. This post is going to focus on the new elements added in Furor Sanguinis.

The squamata is a new faction that plays similarly to the demons. It has its own board and can gain abilities and stats based on where you place the dice. Its player board is divided into four sections with 3 or 4 health. Once a section loses all its health dice may no longer be placed in it. It is unique in that is can divide its attacks amongst targets and in between its movement. The squamata also starts with tokens that give it other abilities based on the scenario. Some of these abilities are permanent and others may only be used once per game.

The demon player no longer draws event cards when using the Dark Destiny space. Instead you get a Deadly Destiny tokens. These tokens may be turned in to trigger scenario-based, one-time events that aid the demon player.

Three new rooms are introduced in this expansion too. The Phosphorescent Mushroom tile limits the defense of any warrior there to 3. The Devouring Pit tile can hold 5 warriors per faction but at the start of your turn you roll a die for each warrior there. On a 4+ the warrior takes a hit. Lastly there is the Sacrificial Altar tile. It lets the demon player re-use one of their previously used Deadly Destiny events for the current scenario.

Speaking of scenarios, there are six new ones included with this expansion. They pit the squamata against either the humans or demons. One even allows for three players.

Quick Review of the Furor Sanguinis Expansion:

Furor Sanguinis is a nice addition to Claustrophobia. It refreshes the series with the squamata and new scenarios to try.

The components are excellent like you’d expect. The squamata miniature looks awesome and the rules are easy to read and follow.

The squamata is fun to play. You might think it’d be outmatch just in the sheer number of foes it might face. But it is a killing a machine. It has the ability to have a high defense and still get a high combat. It can also gain Elusive, Impressive, Frantic, +1 movement and heal depending on where you place its dice.

The new scenarios are mixed between some that require killing and others require you to escape.

My one qualm with this expansion is that some of the new demons introduced do not have cards. They are just printed in the rulebook. It is not a big deal, as you’ll probably have the rules there as you play. But it would have been nice to have cards like the other demons in the game.

If you enjoy Claustrophobia and are looking to give the series some new life, pick Furor Sanguinis up. The squamata is a lot of fun to play and the new scenarios give the series more replay value.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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