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Take It or Leave It Game Review

No. of players: 2-5
Amount of time to play: 30 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: minimal

Take It or Leave It Rules Description:

Take It or Leave It is a dice game that requires some strategy and luck to win. You compete with your opponents to take dice that score your cards.

You start Take It or Leave It with four Combo Cards. Combo Cards have blue and orange dice that you need to collect to score them. The harder the combination is to acquire the more points it is worth. Some just require a specific color while other Combo Cards require specific color and numbered dice. There are also red dice. Their color can be either blue or orange.

On your turn you take one die from the pool. Each player does this until they no longer need any dice in the pool. Then you pass. Once all players pass, the round is over and you score your cards. Each die can only be used to complete one card. If you take a die you cannot use to complete a card or used a wild die you get a red token. These tokens are worth -1 point at the end of the game.

You also start the game with an Action card. These cards let you re-roll dice, change the value of dice or take more than one die on your turn.

Between rounds you can discard one Combo card or Action card and then draw back up to your initial totals. After a set number of rounds (based on the number of players) the game ends. You total your cards and subtract you tokens. The player with the most points wins!

Quick Review of Take It or Leave It:

Take It or Leave It is a fun family game. Adults can enjoy it while kids learn to add and create sets. This game is easy to teach and play.

The components are of great quality and the rules are easy to follow. Everything looks and feels very good.

I like the interaction you have with your opponents. You can take their dice or worse yet re-roll them. Especially if this gets you dice you need.

There is still a good bit of randomness in Take It or Leave It. You might get cards that offer you flexibility in what you choose. But you might also get Combo cards you can’t score at all.

If you are looking for a family game you and your kids will enjoy try out Take It or Leave It.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 4 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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