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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Posts Tagged: three or more players

Tsuro Review

Tsuro is a tile laying game that is easy to learn and can incorporate up to 8 players. The tiles show paths and on your turn you must lay a tile next to your pawn. If the path leads you into another person’s pawn or off the board you lose. The last player on the board wins.

Guillotine Game Review

Guillotine is a quick, fun card game for 2-5 players. Although the theme may seem a bit grizzly the art is whimsical and the names of the cards are funny. The setting is The French Revolution and you are an executioner trying to behead the least popular nobles.

Monopoly Board Game Review

Considered a classic board game by many, Monopoly is the most widely-played commercial game in the world and had been around since 1935. Although the game has been themed and marketed for something just about anyone is interested in, the game and mechanics have remained basically the same.

Ticket to Ride Game Review

Ticket to Ride is a board game that is easy to learn and fun to play. Your goal is to score the most points by laying trains to connect cities in the United States. The person with the most points when someone runs out of trains wins the game.