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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set Review

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core SetStats:
No. of players: 1-4
Amount of time to play: 90 min
Age requirements: 13+
Set-up time: 5-10 min

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set updates the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game series with streamlined game play and some new elements.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set Rules Description:

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set builds on the original game series. The original game was released in 2013 and had four different adventure path boxed sets. This article assumes you are familiar with one of these adventure paths and the basics of the series. If you are not, you should read my review of the Rise of the Runelords base set.

A few changes you will notice immediately are, the box is re-sized, the card layout is different, and there is a storybook included. The storybook includes ten scenarios that give your adventures some context and a larger narrative.

The new core set offers characters with abilities to team up with other heroes at their location. There is also a new avenge action that allows you to attack a bane that goes undefeated by another local hero if you bury a card.

Some cards play differently then before. For instance, armor is now displayed in front of you so it won’t take up space in your hand. Scourges mark you and while marked you suffer their effects.

There are now proxy cards for henchmen. This increases flexibility in villain and henchmen. Some henchmen don’t close a location while others will. This also cuts down on the amount of cards you need in a set.

The rules are improved and there are better keywords and consistent terminology across the cards and rules. You can increase or decrease the difficulty. The scenarios are less repetitive and you can even create random scenarios.

Quick Review of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set:

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set improves the previous system. There are not many drastic changes, but the changes make the game easier to understand, play, and teach.

The components for the game are top-notch. Some people do not like the new card layout, but I think it is helpful. In the new core set you get standees for the heroes. The rules are written better and much easier to reference.

I really like the storybook. It makes the game more narrative focused without be overbearing. It is nice for your adventures to have context and create a larger story. But you don’t need to read a ton of text to get a scenario started.

The shorter campaign is nice too. It (and new scenario goals) helps with the repetitive nature of the game play. You want to keep playing to level up and progress but the end of the campaign isn’t too far away.

Not having to buy adventure decks to finish the campaign is great too. Everything you need for the first campaign is included in the Core Set. The expansion, Curse of the Crimson Throne, adds additional scenarios, boons and new character classes. Again it includes everything for the campaign in one box.

If you have not played the original series, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set is a great place to start. If you have played the original and enjoyed it you should enjoy the new core set. It fixes many complaints from the original game and is more streamlined.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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