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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Holiday Board Game Gift Guide – 2015

Gift GuideAre you looking for some ideas of what to buy the board gamer in your life? Check out my board game gift guide for this year. If you want more detail than the short blurb, click the name of the game to read my full overview and review. The gift ideas in my guides from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 are still good. This gift guide just adds to those.

Here is my Board Game Gift Guide for 2015

For Ages 3-6
Animal Upon Animal – This stacking game is fun for both young and old.
Rhino Hero – This game plays like Jenga but with cards. You build a building and must move the rhino without knocking down the structure.

For Ages 7-12
Broom Service – This pick-up and deliver game has a role selection mechanic and it won the Kennerspiel des Jahres.
Dragonwood – This game is a quick game for families and kids. You play cards to roll dice and capture creatures and gain victory points.
Ubongo – In this game you race against time and the other players to finish your puzzle first and gain gems worth VPs.

For Ages 12+
Black Fleet – You must deliver goods with your merchant ship while avoiding your opponents’ pirate ship. And try to attack your opponents’ merchant ship while avoiding the royal navy.
Mars Attacks the Miniatures Game – Play as the human resistance or invading aliens for the fate of the planet. Everything you need is in the box and ready to play including miniatures and terrain.
Mythotopia – A fun deck-building game mixed with area control and a bit of war game.

For 2 players
Battle of Five Armies – This game simulates the huge fight at the end of the Hobbit.
Resistor_ – A tense, quick-moving card game. You are trying to hack your rival computer to save your country from a nuclear attack.
VS System 2PCG – A fun card game set in the Marvel Universe. You must knock out your opponent’s main character before they get to yours.

Party Games
Codenames – This fun word game puts you in a race to find your team’s cards from one-word clues.
Spyfall – All players but one are in a location. The odd man out is a spy. You must ask questions without revealing exactly where you are and discover who the spy is while they try to figure out the location.

Cooperative Game
Meteor – This a fast-paced, real-time, cooperative card game. You must manage your hand to blow up meteors and save earth, but hurry you only have 5 minutes!
The Undercity: An Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game – This dungeon crawling adventure game has a seven scenario campaign for two to four players.

Have any gift ideas to add? Maybe something you want or have received as a gift over this past year. Leave your thoughts in the comments section and enjoy this holiday season.


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