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Dark Sun – Vault of Darom Madar – Session 2

Silver Spring OasisAfter killing off their attackers, the Crimson Vipers, and resting at the small oasis, the party heads toward Silver Spring. After traveling a bit over half the day, the monotony of desert travel is broken by barbed arrows hissing by overhead. Amongst the dunes they see some shapes cresting the nearby dunes.

Aram instantly summons an elemental who happens upon an elf. The elemental swings its large sand fists and hits the elf. Meldrick runs toward the dunes seeking cover behind a large boulder. Otiril thinks that idea is so good he does the same himself. But not before an elf stands from behind another dune and hits him with an arrow.

A human on a large crodlu comes from behind a boulder, points at Arannis and says an incantation. Small plants near the spellcaster wither and the group knows this is a defiler. A bolt of dark energy leaps from his hand and whacks Arannis sucking the life right out of him.

Arannis moves to gain cover from the mage and get better position to attack. Clay charges into the fray leaping onto a boulder where an elf was shooting from. This is the same elf the elemental was attacking. The elemental dissipates flowing into Clay who batters the elf even more.

Meldrick follows suit charging at the nearest elf. He swings his weapons and connects. The el f retaliates and stabs Meldrick with a dagger and the fight is on!

Clay is hit by a dagger as the elf he has banged up tries to get revenge. With everyone tied up Otiril moves up knowing none of the combatants can contend with him close up. Seeing Otiril make his move the defiler blasts him with more dark energy.

Arannis hits the defiler and pushes him off the crodlu. Seeing this Clay shifts his attention to the defiler. He charges into melee with the defiler. Aram’s elemental is resummoned and finishes of the elf Clay left behind.

Meldrick and the elf he is attacking continue to spar back and forth. After a few hits and a few misses, Meldrick gets the upper-hand. The elf’s body falls to the round as Meldrick looks for another victim.

Otiril and Arannis team up on the final elf and the fight is quick and only painful for the elf. Manwhile Aram summons a protection elemental and directs his attacking elemental from there.

Clay thumps the defiler with his warhammer then heals. To his dismay as he heals as well. Nevertheless Clay continues his assault and although he is wounded he emerges victorious.

The crodlu tries to aid its master first killing the elemental and then attacking Clay. But it is all for not as Meldrick does get his next victim.

The group rests and scavenges the attackers’ bodies. Unsure of the reason for the attack, they continue on toward Silver Spring oasis. Upon arrival they eventually gain entry and an audience with the elven leader, Toramund.

Clay wants payment for eliminating the Crimson Vipers and the party finally learns that Arannis has a message for the chieftain. They try to barter with him to get more information about the Canyon of Guthay, but Toramund is a shrewd negotiator and the adventurers gain little insight.

DM Notes:
This fight was fun to run. The skill challenge was a bit of a disaster for the PCs. I think that is ok as it was meant to be tough. It was hilarious that the bard never told the party about the message and was still keeping it a secret when they were talking to the guards and having trouble getting an audience with Toramund.

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