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Word on the Street Review

Word on the StreetStats:
No. of players: 2-10
Amount of time to play: 20-30 min
Age requirements: 12+
Set-up time: minimal

Word on the Street Rules Description:

Word on the Street is a word game that is fun for parties and families. Your team tries to capture letters pulling them toward your side of the board. Your opponents will be doing the same thing.

The tagline for this game is “The Hilarious Tug of Words”. Letters will be pulled back and forth until one team can get them off their side of the board and it can be funny.

To begin you place the letter tiles in the center of the board. On your turn you draw a category card and read the category out loud. The other team then flips the timer.

Your team brainstorms words and once decided they announce their word. One person spells out the word and moves each letter (not yet off the board) toward their side. While you brainstorm the other team can try to throw you off by saying words that won’t help to distract you.

If time runs out the other team yells stop and you can no longer move letters on the board. If you misspell a word you don’t move any letters after the misspelling occurs. And if you use a word that is two or more words or doesn’t fit the category all the letters no letters may be moved.

Proper words are allowed as are hyphenated ones. The word must fit into the category even checking for tense and if the word should be plural.

Once your team has eight letters off their side of the board they win.

A Quick Review of Word on the Street:

Word on the Street scales well and is a fun party game. Being able to heckle the other team as they try to think of a decent word is great.

The time goes quick and with a lot of people playing things can get quite chaotic. Even if better words are suggested since you have to spell out and move the letters before time is up, many times inferior words are used.

When choosing a word double (or even triple) letters are helpful. Especially as the game goes on and there are less letters on the board.

I’d suggest having a dictionary around as spelling is challenged often.

Word on the Street is a great family game and can really shine at parties too. It can help your children with spelling. Especially if you just use the time limit to select a word and let them take as long as they want to spell it.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 2 out of 6
Luck 2 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 2 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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