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Vampire Werewolf Fairies Review

Vampire Werewolf FairiesStats:
No. of players: 2-6
Amount of time to play: 20-30 min
Age requirements: 13+
Set-up time: minimal

Vampire Werewolf Fairies Rules Description:

Vampire Werewolf Fairies is a “take that” card game that is easy to learn and plays quick. This game is a follow up to Zombie Ninja Pirates and plays much the same.

In Vampire Werewolf Fairies there are three types of cards: Types, Objects, and Actions. Types define your creature type (vampire, werewolf, fairy or witch). Objects tend to give certain types bonus or negative points and may be played as Actions. Actions tend to add or remove Types.

You set up the game by shuffling the Game End card in to the bottom third of the deck. Each player starts the game with five cards. On your turn you must play an action or object card. If you cannot you must discard all your cards and draw five new ones. You then may play an object from your chest as an action and/or discard two cards. After that you draw back up to five cards and your turn is over.

Play continues clock-wise until the Game End card is drawn. Each player plays one last turn. But in this round you can play as much from your hand as you are able. Then add up your points. The players with the most points wins.

A Quick Vampire Werewolf Fairies Review:

Vampire Werewolf Fairies is a decent, light filler card game. There is a good bit of chaos and a lot of luck. The artwork is great and the cards have lots of humor on them.

I have to say personally I don’t like this type of game very much. There is a good bit of back and forth as you add types and remove types from other players. But it feels like the results are pretty random and the game is playing you at times.

This is not to say Vampire Werewolf Fairies is a bad game. It just doesn’t appeal to me or my game group. However if you enjoy Munchkin or Killer Bunnies you’ll definitely enjoy Vampire Werewolf Fairies.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 3 out of 6 (If you like this type of game it is easily a 4)

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