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play board games

Board game reviews, strategy tips & session reports

Top Ten Solo Play Board Games – 2013 Edition

Top TenTired of old-fashioned solitaire? Here is my list of the top ten board games you can play by your lonesome. The honorable mentions are games that I have not played but heard good things about them or games just didn’t quite make the cut.

Here are my top 10 solo play board games:

10. Level 7 Escape – This semi-cooperative board game can be played solitaire. It has a strong theme and solid mechanics. You need to manage your fear while you avoid guards and aliens and escape a subterranean laboratory.

9. Space Hulk: Death Angel – You need some luck to win this game. You start with a team of marines but keeping them alive is tough.

8. Thunderstone or Thunderstone: Advance – The official solo rules are fun, and will help you learn the cards and play better against opponents.

7. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game – While not as difficult to win as some of the other games on this list building a character with the campaign mode is fun. If you didn’t have to keep buying expansions to grow your character this would be higher.

6. Dungeon Crawler – This is a solo dungeon crawl card game. You build a deck that caters to your heroes, fight monsters and finish quests for the win.

5. Sentinels of the Multiverse Enhanced Edition or Sentinels of the Multiverse – Another co-op that plays very well with one player. The theme is great and you can play multiple heroes to defeat the evil villain.

4. Defenders of the Realm – You’ll have more success if you take multiple heroes. This is yet another cooperative game that is a fun solo experience.

3. Thunderbolt Apache Leader – You pick your pilots, outfit your squadron and fly missions. Your pilots gain experience and you get to blow stuff up.

2. The Lord of the Rings Card Game – Great theme and mechanics. If more was included in the base set it could have held its former position.

1. Mage Knight Board Game – This game has character building, dungeon crawling and even some deck-building in it. And it all combines in an excellent solo experience. People had told me I needed to try it solo and they were right. Now you should…

Honorable Mentions:
Agricola, Battle Star Galactica, Castle Panic, Dawn of the Zeds, Friday, Gears of War, Ghost Stories, Legions of Darkness, Pizza Box Football, World of Warcraft: the Board Game, Wrath of Ashardalon

As always feel free to tell me your Top Ten, add suggestions or hate on my choices in the comments section below.

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5 Responses to “Top Ten Solo Play Board Games – 2013 Edition”

  1. rangerrob says:

    Take a look at Legendary and Robinson Crusoe…both have most excellent solo playability.

  2. Jason C says:

    I have tried Legendary solo, but I think just once. I need to try it again. I have not played Robinson Crusoe, but want to.

  3. Dan says:

    “Dungeon Heroes”. Simple, highly random, but fun. Also Ashardalon is mentioned, but Ravenloft and Legend of Drizzt are in the same series and can all be played solo. And in the space empire genre, “Struggle for the Galactic Empire” and “Space Empires 4x” are both worth a look for solo play.

  4. Jason C says:

    I have never played Dungeon Heroes or Struggle for the Galactic Empire, but I’ll have to see if I can try them.

    All the D&D Adventure Board Games could be listed. They all play well solo. I have tried Space Empires 4x solo and it was pretty good.

    Also I had not played Dungeon Roll when I wrote this post, but since then I have and it at least deserves an Honorable mention.

  5. I would suggest Friday and Firefly the Boardgame!
    Firefly the Boardgame is a bunch of fun in solo play and I highly recommend it to ANYONE!!

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