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Top Ten Board Game Expansions

After reviewing Pandemic: On the Brink I started thinking about the different expansions I have played or own. Just like movie sequels I think some expansions don’t enhance the base game. Then I thought of the expansions I really like and thought I should do a Top Ten list. Well here it is:

10.The Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights – Makes the game different which isn’t bad but also makes the game longer. Fun to pull out every once in a while

9. Dungeon Twister: 3-4 players Expansion – More players equals more fun, but basically the same as the original.

8. Power Grid: The New Power Plants Cards – These even out the power plant deck a bit and help

7. The Settlers of Catan Card Game Expansions – These cards add lots of variety to the way the base game plays

6. Heroscape: Fortress of the Archkyrie & Heroscape: Road to the Forgotten Forest – Adds castle walls, ladders, trees and roads to the available terrain. What is not to like?

5. The Settlers of Catan: Seafarers – Keeps game play the same but adds some exploration and new scenarios.

4. Pizza Box Football Expansion – Lets you play with your hometown team plus adds advanced play selection. Takes the base game to a new level!

3. Pandemic: On the Brink – This expansion has some great new scenarios and awesome new game components.

2. Agricola: Farmers of the Moors – Adds some complexity to an already complex game, but add some depth and fun too.

1. Dominion: Intrigue & Dominion: Seaside – I lumped these together as they are both great additions to Dominion. More variety, more players and more fun!

Honorable Mentions:
Power Grid: France/Italy, WoW: Shadow of War, Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm, Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium, Thunderstone: Wrath of the Elements

I have only listed expansions that I have played. I am sure you know of more that you enjoy. Feel free to mention them in the comments.


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2 Responses to “Top Ten Board Game Expansions”

  1. Morganza says:

    My top two Power Grid expansions are the China map and the Japan map.

    I consider the St. Petersburg “New Society” expansion indispensable, though I can take or leave “The Banquet” which comes with it.

    I almost never play Race for the Galaxy without expansions any more.

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    Yeah we never play Race for the Galaxy with out the expansions. I have played more expansions since I wrote this and need to update this list.

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