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Top 10 Filler Board Games

Waiting for one player to show up? Or start your game night out with lighter fare? Here is a list of the best filler board games. To qualify as a filler a board game must be quick, easy to teach and learn and easy to set-up and put away. For more information on why I like a game and how it plays click the name for a full review. The Honorable Mentions list contains filler board games I have heard good things about but not played or played but didn’t make the list this time. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Here are my Top Ten Filler Board Games:

10. Stak Bots – This card game about battling robots may take a game to understand how the abilities play and interact. But is fun once you have it down.

9. Tsuro – This tile-laying game can play up to 8 and though it has play elimination it goes fast.

8. Maximum Throwdown – With the right crowd this can be a lot of fun. Having a good-sized table makes this a better experience.

7. PitchCar – This is a fun dexterity racing game. If setup and take down were shorter it would be higher on this list.

6. Timeline – This plays like a trivia game centered on dates. Some groups will love it but others might dislike it if they have a historian or two that always dominates.

5. Incan Gold – Great press your luck game that can be hard to win once you are behind.

4. Las Vegas – Roll dice to win big bucks. It might be a little long with five players.

3. King of Tokyo – If you can play Yahtzee you can play this game. It can go a bit long for a filler if you have 5 or more players.

2. For Sale – This auction game can be random, it plays up to six and is lots of fun.

1. Love Letter – Weighing in at just 16 cards this small card game is super portable and fun.

Honorable mentions (I have either heard good things about these games, but have not played them or they just missed my list): Click Clack Lumberjack, Hey That’s My Fish, Jungle Speed, No Thanks, Pinata, Tumblin’ Dice

Leave a comment if there are filler board games I am missing out on or need to try. Maybe you think my list needs some editing. Let me know below.


3 Responses to “Top 10 Filler Board Games”

  1. Wow, nearly 50% overlap with my expected list. My others: Jaipur, 6 Nimmt/Slide 5, Parade, Reiner Knizia’s Money, Wyatt Earp. Surprised to see King Of Tokyo just because at 4+ it runs a little longer than what I consider a filler, as you noted.

  2. Tom says:

    Ooh, just snuck into the list!
    Thanks for the inclusion! 🙂

  3. ccmonter says:

    Loco / Botswana.
    No Thanks!
    8 Minute Empire
    6 Nimmt!
    For Sale
    The World Cup Card Game (play only 1 or 2 groups as a filler)

    PitchCar takes far too long to set up to be considered a “filler”. Unless the track is permanently constructed.
    King Of Tokyo takes a while to play.

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