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Loot and Scoot: Loot Harder Expansion Review

Loot and Scoot Loot HarderStats:
No. of players: 1-4
Amount of time to play: 60 min
Age requirements: 10+
Set-up time: 5 minutes

Loot Harder Expansion Description:

Loot and Scoot: Loot Harder is an expansion for Loot and Scoot. There are many new additions including dual-class heroes, secret rooms, magic items and deadlier traps. You can even play solo.

If you are not familiar with the based game Loot and Scoot read my review. I will assume you have a base knowledge of the game in this review of the first expansion.

As I said there are a good bit of new things added with the Loot Harder expansion. Dual-class heroes give you more flexibility but cost more gold to recruit. They each have two symbols but must choose which one they’ll use when they fight.

Secret Rooms have new monsters and hidden magic items that you can loot. First you must find the room and kill the monster.

New traps have been added that require a specific class to disable. Failure to disable these deadly traps will result in death for your adventurer.

New buildings allow you to re-roll ones, ignore the first wound you take, make extra cash each turn or add VPs for each room looted. These new buildings are powerful and unique.

Lastly there are rules for solitaire play. It is basically a random dungeon set-up. You get a party made up of one of each character class. Then you loot. The difference is that wounds will kill you, not end you back to the Inn. You are trying to get as high a score as you can before your party is dead.

A Quick Review of the Loot Harder Expansion:

Loot Harder is the first expansion for Loot and Scoot. It adds some nice new elements to the base game. And while not essential it is nice to have.

Being able to play solo is great. The overall experience is not as good as a multiplayer game, but if you have no one to play with it is still enjoyable. It is nice to have a game to play with others or by yourself and have fun either way.

The new buildings are cool too. Since you may only build two total buildings you’ll have to judge what will help you more, buildings to train heroes or one or two of these new buildings.

The mechanic for discovering a secret room is well done. You can search a room immediately after you kill the monster in it. If you roll less than the current number of adventurers in your party, you find the secret room. If you roll high you will have to wait for the next turn to search again. If you choose not to enter the secret room and battle its inhabitant or if you lose to that fight, the secret room moves to a room with the next highest level. Once again you’ll have to win a fight and search again.

If you own Loot and Scoot, this expansion will add some nice elements to keep the experience fresh. I highly recommend Loot Harder to anyone who has the base game and wants to play solo.
Between that and the new elements it is worth your cash.

Go to Victory Point Games to purchase Loot and Scoot: Loot Harder

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 3 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 4 out of 6
Overall 4 out of 6

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