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Innovation Game Review

Innovation GameStats:
No. of players: 2-4
Amount of time to play: 30-60 min
Age requirements: 14+
Set-up time: minimal

Innovation is a card based, civilization building game. As the ages pass you gain access to more and more advanced technologies. You must maximize these advancements to gain a specific number of achievements before your opponents do.

Innovation Rules Description:

The game starts with ten supply piles sorted by their age 1-10. There is only one copy of each card that represents a specific invention native to an age. You will play cards in front of you to score points and gain achievements. On your turn you may take two actions from the following: draw, meld, achieve, dogma.

When you draw, you can only draw cards from an age that matches your highest age card in play. If the pile you want to draw from is empty, you draw from the next highest age.

Melding puts cards into play. Cards may only be placed on a pile that matches their color. You may be able to splay your pile. If you have a splayed pile, new cards continue the splay.

The achieve action can only be taken if you have a points greater than or equal to the age of achievement. You must also have a top card in play equal to or greater than the age of the achievement.

Dogma actions are associated with an icon and are the main action of the game. You must tally the icons you have that are associated with the dogma action you are taking. If other players have less of that icon you may force them to perform an action. Some of your dogma actions may be performed by you and any players that have the same number of icons or more than you.

The game continues until a player has a certain number of achievements (based on the number of players), the age 10 supply pile is empty or they meet a win condition on one of their cards in play.

Quick Review of Innovation:

Innovation is unique and fun. While its mechanics are not brand new the game is different. It shares many similarities with other games, but no other game is quite like it.

I know some people think Innovation is too random but you must make the best of the hand you are dealt. It is a bit more chaotic with more players as more changes from turn to turn. Some cards bring an abrupt end to the game if you can meet its win condition. So the momentum can shift very quickly.

The splaying mechanic is very creative and makes your played cards useful throughout the game. You will sometimes need to evaluate the best way to splay your cards based on the cards you have in play.

The components are great but you will be reading a lot of small text. While not a horrible thing, all the reading can slow the game down until you become familiar with the cards. You may also find Innovation a bit long if you play with someone with analysis paralysis. There are many choices and a good bit to read.

Once you learn to play Innovation it takes about an hour to play. If you enjoy civ-building games you should give it a try. I think most gamers should try Innovation out. You will enjoy the unique blend of old mechanics and the experience of playing this game.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 5 out of 6
Player Interaction 5 out of 6
Replay Value 4 out of 6
Complexity 4 out of 6
Fun 5 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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2 Responses to “Innovation Game Review”

  1. Lemm says:

    Thanks for the review – sounds interesting. How well does it play with just two players?

  2. jason@play-board-games.com says:

    Innovation plays very well with two. In fact with two there is less randomness.

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