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Dominion: Prosperity Review

Dominion: ProsperityStats:
No. of players: 2-4
Amount of time to play: 30 min
Age requirements: 8+
Set-up time: 5-10 min

Description of Dominion Prosperity:

Dominion: Prosperity is the latest expansion for Dominion. Prosperity focuses on wealth and adds more treasure and victory cards to the game.

In total there are 25 new kingdom cards and 2 new basic cards. Nine of the twenty-seven new cards are treasure cards. The new basic cards are Platinum and Colony. They are upgrades to the Gold and Province cards, getting you 5 Treasure for Platinum and 10 Victory Points for Colony.

Another addition is 7 cost cards. Previously 7 Treasure was a hump to get over in order to buy a Province. That usually meant buying a Gold. Now Expand, Forge and King’s Court all cost 7 and can be just as useful as a Gold.

There are also Victory Point tokens introduced in Prosperity. There are mats you can use to place your tokens on. These tokens are nice in that they are Victory Points that won’t clog up your deck.

The only difference in the rules is defining “in play” more. Since certain treasure cards have effects that happen as soon as they are put in play you should lay out your treasure one at a time. Specifically Contraband which allows the player to your left to name a card you can’t buy. Laying all your treasure at once allows the person to name a card costing exactly what you have. If you place Contraband first they must guess at what you are looking to buy. You also cannot buy a card (even if you have extra Buys) before laying all your treasure.

Lastly the game end has been updated to trigger if the Colonies run out.

Here is the full list of Prosperity cards and their game text

A Quick Review:
I play a good bit of Dominion and have all the expansions. I have to say I think Prosperity is the best expansion since Intrigue. While Intrigue is great since it allows you to play with up to six people, Prosperity is great in the way it makes some nice subtle changes to Dominion.

The new basic cards are great and the new kingdom cards add lots of fun new actions and treasures to the game.

I highly recommend this to anyone who owns the base set.

Score and synopsis: (Click here for an explanation of these review categories.)
Strategy 4 out of 6
Luck 4 out of 6
Player Interaction 2 out of 6
Replay Value 5 out of 6
Complexity 3 out of 6
Fun 6 out of 6
Overall 5 out of 6

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2 Responses to “Dominion: Prosperity Review”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Perúnove Hry, play board games. play board games said: Dominion Prosperity Review posted on https://www.play-board-games.com: http://bit.ly/hBdwlC […]

  2. Matt says:

    Great review as always Jason; I look forward to upcoming sessions!

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