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Dark Sun – Vault of Darom Madar – Session 5

hejkinThe adventurer’s now they must be getting close to the vault. Unfortunately there is a door that seems to have no visible way to be opened. Upon closer examination they find the door to be magically and physically trapped.

Arannis starts to figure out the magics that are cast on the door while Aram tries to figure out the mechanics. Clay watches both closely to be sure neither makes a mistake.

As Arannis sorts through the arcane aspects of the door, a blast of energy bursts from it hitting half the party. Everyone but those involved in working on the door steps back and takes cover.

Shortly after the adventurers move back a dart flies out from near the door hitting Aram. The heroes are making progress on opening the door, but it is a painful process. Four darts fly out and after that the door no longer responds. Arannis notes that the party cannot attempt to open the door for another 24 hours.

Discouraged the party heads to the cavern opening to sleep and waste some time. Halfway into the next day three weird looking creatures enter the cavern. Instantly they attack the party.

Although the party has no idea the creatures are hejkin. The hejkin chanter attacks and a loud rumble of thunder hits Aram, Meldrick and Arannis, pushing them back and knocking them prone.

Clay retaliates hitting all three hejkin. Otiril follows up charging into the chanter. The hejkin sparkers strike Aram’s elemental as Meldrick stabs at them. The elemental disperses and Aram yelps in pain.

The chanter is surrounded and hit by Clay and Otiril. Somehow it is able to switch positions with Arannis and claws Aram, who screams. Clay responds and drops the chanter.

Meldrick spars with one of the sparkers and finally finishes the fight victorious. Arannis pulls and pushes the last hejkin in a yo-yo fashion allowing Otiril to strike it twice. That is all it can handle. It falls lifeless to the cavern floor.

The characters rest and head toward the sealed door. This time the characters are ready and Meldrick and Arannis are able to figure out the magics and mechanics of the traps involved.

The door slides into the floor just as it does Clay realizes something, the door is silver. Unfortunately it is too late the door is gone.

DM Notes:
The door skill challenge was run ok, but the PCs knew they were in a skill challenge. Still it was a fun session and the PCs did well.

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